Lab Members
Micah J. Drummond, PhD
Paul-Emile Bourrant
Graduate Student
Robert Castro
Graduate Student
Zac Fennel, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Anu Kurian
Research Scientist
Elena Yee
Graduate Student
Past Trainees
Undergraduates, Medical and Physical Therapy Trainees
Elena Yee (RUUTE and UROP program)
Princess Bombyck (IM-PREP postbac program)
Ruth Tanner (Undergraduate - Major: Biology)
Lucille Brunker (Medical student - MSTAR)
Michael Ward (Undergraduate- Major: Exercise Science)
Lee Skinner (DPT student)
Brandon Vosson (Undergraduate- Major: Biology)
Emma Johnson (DPT student)
Preston Brunker (UROP - Major: Biology/Chemistry)
Jade Mulvey (UROP- Major: Exercise Science)
Catherine Lindsay (Medical student - MSTAR)
James Gardner (Medical Student Research Program- NIDDK)
Evan Bekes (Native American Research Internship- NIDDK)
Kathrine Barrows (Medical Student Research Program- NIDDK)
Aspen Johnson (Native American Research Internship- NIDDK)
Nikol Yonemura (UROP- Major Kinesiology- Honors)
Jared Madsen (Medical Student Research Program- NIDDK)
Vincent Morrow (Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR))
Jessie McGomery (UROP- Major: Chemistry- Honors)
Logan Edvalson (Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR))
Tyler Drummond (UROP- Major: Kinesiology)
Serena Jones (UROP/Leap Program- Major: Biology)
Chance McCutcheon (Medical Summer Research Program- NIDDK)
Graduate Trainees
Jon Petrocelli - Rehabilitation Sciences, PhD
Carson Hauser - Nutrition and Integrative Physiology, Masters Degree Program
Naomi DeHart - Nutrition and Integrative Physiology, Masters Degree Program
Matthew Carlin, Division of Nutrition- Master’s Degree Program
Ruth Tanner, Division of Nutrition- Master’s Degree Program
Jakob Agergaard (Visiting International PhD student)
Alec McKenzie, Rehabilitation Sciences- PhD
Postdoctoral Fellows and Junior Trainees
Oh Sung Kwon, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow- Present: University of Connecticut)
Paul Reidy, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow- Present: Miami University)
Katie Kaput, DO (Endocrinology Medical Research Fellowship Program)
Dennis Fix, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow- Present: Recursion)
Ziad Mahmassani, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow- Present: Morphic Therapeutics)
Patrick Ferrara, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow- Present: Regeneron)